How to Prepare for Fall and Winter!

I love the fall. It’s my favorite time of year.

My only complaint is that it is too short.

Crisp clear air, the colors, and the celebrations all remind me of the excitement I felt as a kid.

Fall is also a time for preparation. Getting your house ready for the cold weather months.


Here are a few things to consider:

  • Blow out sprinklers: sometime in October this should be done. It has to definitely be done before a hard freeze. Let’s say in the low 20’s. But your grass has likely gone dormant before then, so start reducing your watering times and days when the nights are cooler and not quite freezing yet. Get them blown out just before or soon after freezing temperatures at night are consistent.
  • Ice Dams: you know the irritating buildup of ice in your gutters and on your roof! These cause roof damage as well as damage to whatever is underneath. Most ice dams are caused by poor attic ventilation, and possibly poor insulation as well. CLICK HERE to check out my article on the destructive power of water, and go to the attic ventilation section to get the lowdown on ice dams.
  • Window and door tune-up: most discomfort from cold in the home is caused by drafts or radiating cold from cold surfaces. Draft are solved with good weather stripping and tight windows. Radiating cold is mainly inhibited by good window coverings. New windows rarely solve this issue unless you currently have windows with metal frames. CLICK HERE to see my article on windows and window seals for more information.
  • Check the roof: I recommend this be done every year about this time to see if there are damaged shingles that need to be replaced. Also check for kick out flashing where roof siding abuts a roof gutter. CLICK HERE to see why this is important in my article on drainage.
  • Pruning: some in the fall, some in the dead of winter, others in the spring. Quite confusing! Maybe this is why I rarely do it. CLICK HERE to see an article on pruning “what and when” from Better Homes and Gardens.
  • Debris against the home: stacks of stuff against the home is a magnate for snow accumulation, which may damage your home. In the summer months insects and animals like these areas which may also damage your home. Move stuff away from your home.
  • Cracks and openings: to prevent vermin from coming to live with you it is wise to seal and caulk all exposed cracks and holes in your home. Unless you like mice! Large holes can first be filled with backer rod or steel wool before sealing.
  • Clean your AC compressor (outside): it’s the thing on the side of your house with the big fan that blown hot air out the top. You can also do this in the spring! Clean all debris, dust and lint from the outside fins. This will ensure your AC runs at higher efficiency.

I think that’s enough for now. Would hate to overload you.

And as always, if you ever have a question about your home then please feel free to reach out. No charge!


Kevin Lantaff    303-731-9581