Blessings for You in 2018!

The word Blessing has been used in many ways and forms, but a common interpretation is that a blessing expresses a wish for, or bestowing of, success, prosperity, productiveness, longevity, and strength. In other words, a blessing wishes the best for a person’s life, and happiness in the truest sense.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if we not only expressed blessings for others, but looked to bestow them as well?

Well, I can’t change the world, but I can hope to positively change the little corner of the world I live in. And that corner includes you! So, for 2018, because I have been so blessed myself, I want to double my efforts this year to bless you if you will allow me to.

Here’s how!

Serving and Helping

If you are a homeowner and in need of home advice of any kind, I am always here to help. Call me any time – no charge. I would hate it if you didn’t and ended up doing something to your home that you regretted. And there will be no obligation to use my services in the future. Really, no ulterior motives! I just want to bless you.

If you are a real estate agent then please feel free to use me as a member of your team with regard to home evaluation and advice. I know a lot about homes and can supplement your knowledge so that the value of your services is increased. Call me any time. I may even drop by a home to help you through a tough issue. No charge of course, and no strings attached!

Giving and Caring

I you, or someone you know, needs help with repairs or an inspection, and they are strapped for cash, please let me know. I especially have a soft heart for widows and single moms. I currently do Pro Bono work for several people and am open to helping where I can. And I usually can!

And if you think of something else then please let me know. I am definitely open to suggestions.

So, let’s make 2018 a blessed year for those around us. Let’s work together to make the world a better place.

At least our little corner!

Cheers and God Bless!